200 years Mauritshuis
It's happening in Den Haag
Mauritshuis is a museum that attracts the classic art lovers. Nevertheless Mauritshuis wanted to celebrate their anniversary with everyone in The Haque and far outside of The Hague and show them there was lots to do for all ages.
So time for an exuberant campaign. Time for "200 years Mauritshuis. It's happening in Den haag".
Celebrating a year full of art, parties, flowers and more flowers, photographers, old masters, street art and our girl with the pearl. We've created these campaign assets for each of the expositions....

'Eye to eye with the girl'
'thuis in het Mauritshuis'

The ask: create a campaign to place the girl with the pearl in the spotlight.
The solution: By inviting people in her real home - the Mauritshuis - people had the change to come eye to eye with her and experience the mesmerizing effect she has on you.